Are you a new Catholic? Or do you want to attend Mass for the first time but feel lost and don’t know where to start? I remember when I first started attending Mass as a convert before starting RCIA, and the thing that made me most anxious was not knowing what to say during Mass. But I promise you, it’s not as complicated as you think, and with practice, you’ll pick it up in no time. Please don’t feel self-conscious! The parishioners at your local church will be so happy to see a newcomer, and they probably won’t even notice if you fumble your words (and if they do, they won’t be judging you; again, they’ll just be happy you’re there!). I created a page on this site, as well as a printable PDF with a script for what to say at Mass. Find both here.
Ascension Presents YouTube channel
Word On Fire
Catholic Answers
Catholic Answers YouTube channel
Catholic Answers Catholic Encyclopedia
Council of Trent
Council of Trent YouTube channel